Befriending service
LEAP's befriending service offer one-to-one befriending and
We are the leading befriending service
for older people in Lanarkshire and have
won the Quality in Befriending award. We
were also awarded the Queen's Award
for Voluntary Service, an organisational
equivalent of being awarded an MBE.
Our one-to-one befriending service matches
volunteer befrienders with clients aged 50 and
over in their homes to offer companionship and
chat, helping to combat isolation and loneliness. You can find out
more about our befriending criteria.
We currently have more than 100 befriender volunteers who, in the
past year alone, gave almost 3,500 hours of their time to provide
companionship to people. While most befriending is face-to-face, we
also have matches who "meet" on the phone, through email or
through apps such as Zoom.
This service currently operates in Cambuslang, Rutherglen, Blantyre,
Bothwell, Uddingston, Hamilton and East Kilbride. People using our
befriending services also often use our handyperson services.
To find out more about the service, or to become a befriender, call
0141 641 5169 or email befriending@leap-project.co.uk