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Charity staff complete Great Scottish Run for LEAP


Runners raise more than £900 after completing Great Scottish Run 10k

LEAP staff members Heather Jackson and Lysanne Erlings have raised more than £900 for LEAP after running the 10k race in this year’s Great Scottish Run on Sunday 1 October.


Heather and Lysanne were keen joggers, but both had to train hard to complete a 10k – Lysanne doing so in just under 55 minutes and Heather not that far behind in 70 minutes.


Safely back at their desks, Heather and Lysanne were keen to thank everyone who had sponsored them. Heather said: “We originally set out to raise a few hundred pounds for the charity, so we are really delighted with what we have managed to achieve.”


Lysanne added: “It has been brilliant watching the funds grow. We even had a collection bucket in the office and most of our visitors contributed through that as well.


“We can’t thank everyone enough.”


People can still swell the LEAP coffers by donating online at or at Heather and Lysanne’s JustGiving page

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