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Emotional tribute is highlight of AGM


An emotional Steven Lees paid tribute to LEAP volunteers when he presented the Betty Lees Trophy –named after his grandmother – to inaugural winner Ann Robertson, LEAP’s Volunteer of the Year.


Steven’s gran Betty, who sadly passed away earlier this year, had a long-term LEAP befriender in Margaret Brown.


When Betty passed away, the Rutherglen family knew how much of a difference Margaret had made to her life. So strong was the connection, all the family wanted to meet Margaret as they had heard so much about her.


And at Betty’s funeral, the family decided the collection should be donated to LEAP to help them continue their good work.


That collection was put to good use when it was decided to use it to introduce the Betty Lees Trophy for Volunteer of the Year.


The family were delighted with the thought, and Steven agreed to present the trophy in front of more than 200 people at the organisation’s AGM in Cambuslang Parish Church on 9 September.


In an emotional tribute Steven said: “I am very proud to be standing here today to introduce the Betty Lees Trophy.


“LEAP, and Margaret in particular, meant so much to Gran and the family, and we are delighted her name will forever be associated with your Volunteer of the Year.


“We will always be grateful for the support you gave my Gran, and I’m sure every other family would feel the same.”


First-ever winner of the Trophy, Ann Robertson, has volunteered with LEAP for more than 17 years, and apart from the charity’s management committee, is its longest-serving volunteer.


As well as carrying out handyperson jobs for 17 years, Ann has also started supporting one of LEAP’s friendship groups and hopes to continue volunteering for many years to come.


Receiving the Trophy, Ann said: “I am shocked. This is a real honour for me.


“I never thought I was doing anything different to all of LEAP’s other volunteers, and I’m just happy to be helping people live as long as they can in their own homes.”

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