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It’s all in a day’s shopping for Lorna


For Lorna Woods, an early morning Monday rise signals time to goshopping rather than work.

Lorna, who retired early from Scottish Power, now volunteers withLEAP as a personal shopper and gets out early to avoid thequeues outside the local supermarkets.

“I try to get out for about half 9 while the stores are still quiet,”Lorna said, “and get the job done within an hour or so.

“I usually shop in Morrison’s – where I shop – but some of ourclients prefer goods from their usual supermarket so I go to Asda,Aldi or wherever people specifically ask. Today it’s Tesco in Rutherglen for my customer.”

Lorna first heard about LEAP’s personal shopper service from someof Leap’s staff who are in her running group.

“We were just chatting about it and it sounded like something Iwanted to do. I had taken early retirement to help support mymother, but she lives in Brechin and I couldn’t get to see her giventhe current restrictions so I had plenty of time to offer.

“Now I’m shopping up to four days a week for LEAP customers, andI’ve done almost 50 shops so far.

“Every shop is different, although I’m getting to grips with what myregular customers want. That can include particular brands or itemsand a few people specify gluten free, something I’m well aware of asmy daughter is gluten free and I know how important it is to her.

“But one thing remains pretty popular with most of my customers –chocolate, and everyone has their favourite brand.”

For customers Margaret and David, the shopping service is alifeline, as Margaret is shielding due to breathing issues and Davidis supporting her by staying indoors.

Margaret said: “We really appreciate what LEAP, and Lorna in particular, is doing for us. David didn’t feel comfortable with the thought of having to go out and potentially bring the virus back into the house when I am shielding.

“Having LEAP’s shopping service has taken that worry away and we are so grateful to everyone for doing this. It’s a marvellous idea.”

Lorna added: “Given the number of shops I’m doing this service is clearly needed. But I can’t help but think there must still be people out there who are struggling with their shopping when they should be staying safe indoors.

“I would like them to phone LEAP and the team there will see how they can help.

“So if you need help, or know someone who does, phone LEAP on 0141 641 5169 and ask about the personal shopper service.”

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