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LEAP launches new lunch club for people diagnosed with dementia and their carers


First ever dementia lunch club in Cambuslang to start on 6 March

LEAP is launching its Wednesday Lunch Club, a new friendship group specifically for clients diagnosed with dementia and their carers at Clydeford View in Cambuslang.


The group will run for two hours with:

•         a light lunch for everyone to help settle into the group;

•         an activity in the main room;

•         a separate carers activity or information session in a different room; and

•         a closing get together to chat about the week’s activities.


The group will run on the first and third Wednesday of the month, starting on 6 March, at 12 Noon until 2.00 pm in Clydeford View Sheltered Housing, Allison Drive, Cambuslang, G72 7HP.


Helen Jilks, the group co-ordinator said: “We want the group to be very informal and flexible. Should anyone need support during the session we will have a LEAP staff member present, supported by volunteers.


“We will welcome referrals from carers, family members or health professionals.


“We can also include clients wishing to attend without a carer, but they should have no personal care requirements and be able to make their own way there.  


“As we are running this group as a pilot, there will be no cost to attend.”


To register your interest, call Helen on 0141 641 5169.

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