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LEAP receives £1000 from Cambuslang Gulf Fuel station


LEAP has received £1000 from Cambuslang Gulf fuel station after being voted by local customers. The campaign by Gulf Oomph Fuel Rewards runs across Gulf sites around the whole of the UK and 10 lucky good causes are awarded £1000 each.


LEAP was nominated by the Cambuslang station and customers voted via the Oomph Fuel Rewards App and website for their favorites. Members of Gulf Oomph Fuel Rewards get access to offers and rewards via the loyalty scheme, in addition to supporting their local charities.


Liz Nelson, LEAP’s Hands On Project manager said: “We are extremely grateful for Cambuslang Gulf’s support. During the first lockdown they had donated food which we distributed through local foodbanks but we never expected anything like this.


“So many of our clients rely on our volunteer befrienders as a friendly voice but this had become more difficult with us making our befriending service phone based.


“This money will allow us to send our clients a Christmas activity pack and is very much appreciated. We can’t thank Gulf’s customers enough.”


Gerry Welsh, Head of Retail Marketing said, “We are pleased to announce our first Gulf Oomph Fuel rewards charity giveaway, where we are giving away £10,000 each quarter to local community groups and charities around the UK.”


“During the pandemic, local community groups and charities have suffered as they rely so much on donations from the public. We hope a number of local charities and organisations will benefit from this money. Plus we cannot wait to be able to offer this again in 2021 for all of our Gulf Oomph Loyalty sites”.

About Gulf: Gulf operates across the UK, with just under 500 outlets currently in operation. Gulf Retail UK is a trading brand licensed to Certas energy UK Limited. , ,

Enquiries about this news release can be directed to LEAP or to:

Jessica Lilley  

Certas Energy – Gulf

07880 426918

Copyright 2010 - 2024 LEAP.     LEAP is a charity registered in Scotland No SC024196. A Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) regulated by OSCR.    Privacy Policy.

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