Santa’s Lanarkshire helpers deliver gifts to older people most in need
Student delivers festive cheer to LEAP clients after work placement with charity

After spending a work placement with LEAP student James Ross, along with his family, decided the charity’s clients were more important than sending Christmas cards this year.
Instead, they made up two dozen Christmas gift packs for the charity’s most deserving clients and delivered the first of these to Catherine to brighten up her day.
James said: “When I worked in LEAP I realised how much the older people the charity works with need and appreciate that contact.
“So when my mum and I started talking about what we were doing this Christmas, we quickly decided to do something ourselves.
“After the year we have been through we thought about people who might not have much to celebrate this Christmas and thought this would be a great way of letting them know people care.
“We asked LEAP who they thought would most appreciate a gift at Christmas and it all started from there.
“And, as well as making up the gift packs, we were also really grateful to the manager at Rutherglen Poundland, who gave us their staff discount for everything we bought in the store. It’s really great to know there’s still some Christmas and community spirit out there.”
In the gift packs were stollen, mince pies, sweets, a card and a gift amongst other things. Catherine was overjoyed to receive a gift and said: “I’m so grateful to LEAP and people such as James who support them.
“I’m really looking forward to opening my gift on Christmas day.”