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LEAP into spring with
activities for everyone


LEAP is supporting older people in South Lanarkshire duringlockdown with a programme of online activities ranging from bingo

to Spanish classes.


The programme starts on March 15, with something to suit mostpeople’s interests.


As well as old favourites bingo and Spanish, people can choosefrom new groups such as seated keep fit, a men’s newspaper group,houseplant hospital and a repair session among others.


Taylor McKeown, LEAP’s activity development officer, said: “We’rereally pleased to offer all these activities for spring.


“We know a lot of people are struggling through lockdown not beingable to meet family and friends, so a lot of our programme is abouttalking to people as much as the activities themselves.


“As well as our free activities such as bingo and our weekly quiz wehave some exciting new classes such as our art salon, which givesartists professional support on individual projects.


“We hope the programme appeals to lots of people and helps boostspirits during the lockdown.”

View our full spring programme here.

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